盟主の正体 The Alliance Leader's True Identity
(ミルディン大橋 昼)
The Great Bridge of Myrddin | Daytime
ローレンツ: さて、クロード……説明してもらおうか。なぜ君はパルミラの将と親しいんだ?
Lorenz: Claude. It is time for you to explain. Why are you so close with an Almyran general?
クロード: ああ、若い頃にちょっと世話になったことがあってね。
Claude: Well, he did quite a bit for me when I was younger.
ローレンツ: 若い頃……リーガン家に入る前か?どこでどう知り合ったというのだ?
Lorenz: When you were younger... So, before you joined House Riegan. How and where did you meet him?
There aren't many opportunities to meet a general from Almyra in Fódlan...
ヒルダ: クロードくん、説明してくれるかな。何でパルミラの人と知り合いだったの?
クロード: ああ、若い頃にちょっと世話になったことがあってね。
ヒルダ: お世話に? でも、パルミラの人と知り合う機会なんて……
クロード: 機会などない、と思ってんならそれは、そう思い込んでるだけだ。
Claude: If that's what you believe, it's only because that's what you've been led to believe.
クロード: 現に、俺たちの仲間にだってパルミラ生まれのツィリルがいるだろ?
Claude: After all, we have Cyril here among our allies, and he was born in Almyra.
ツィリル: ……ボクを巻き込まないでよ。
Cyril: Hey, now. Don't drag me into this.
クロード: フォドラの外には広い世界が広がっている。そこには多くの国があり、文化がある。
Claude: There's a big, wide world outside of Fódlan, and it's overflowing with different places and cultures.
You think interacting with outsiders is odd, but isn't avoiding contact with the outside world far more unnatural?
ローレンツ: クロード、話をすり替えるな。同盟の者にとってパルミラ人は……。
Lorenz: Don't change the subject, Claude. To the people of the Alliance, the Almyrans are―
ヒルダ: それはそうだけど……。
クロード: 確かに敵対してきた歴史はあるが、将来も敵対しなきゃならん理由はないだろ?
Claude: It's true that there's a history of hostility, but why should that mean we're doomed to remain hostile forever?
クロード: パルミラ人だって化け物じゃない。ツィリルを見てみろ、これが化け物の面か?
Claude: The Almyrans aren't monsters. Just look at Cyril! Does he look like a monster to you?
ツィリル: ……これって何だよ。
Cyril: Hey, what's that supposed to mean?
クロード: パルミラ人だってだって化け物じゃない。見ただろ? 話してみればただの人間だ。
クロード: なあ、先生?先生はナデルと会ってどう思った?
Claude: Right, Teach? What did you think when you met Nader?
Choice 1: 面白いおじさん He's... interesting.
Choice 2: 頼もしい将 He's a reliable general.
クロード: ははっ、ナデルに伝えとくよ。みんなも、付き合ってみれば見方が変わるはずさ。
Claude: Ha! I'll tell him you said that. And I'm sure that if all of you got to know him, all of your preconceived notions would change too.
I know you guys, and you aren't the type of people to reject someone without trying to get to know them.
ヒルダ: ……でも、あのパルミラの人たちは、どーやってフォドラの喉元を越えてきたの?
Hilda: But... how did those Almyrans even get past Fódlan's Throat?
I doubt my brother would just let them pass without saying anything...
クロード: ああ。実はさ、お前の兄さんには、事前にナデルと会ってもらってたんだ。
Claude: About that... I actually made sure your brother met Nader in advance.
ローレンツ: なっ……ホルスト卿がパルミラの将と!?
Lorenz: What?! Lord Holst met with an Almyran general?
ヒルダ: あーっ、クロードくんが兄さんのことを気にしてたのって、そういうことだったの?
Hilda: Oh, so that's why you were so interested in my brother.
But wait, they're supposed to be bitter enemies! They've fought each other several times before!
クロード: これはまあ、俺にとっても大博打ではあったんだが……
Claude: I know. It was a big gamble.
But rather than having me try to convince them myself, I knew it would be easier to just have them meet.
They were taken aback at first, but sure enough, they hit it off. They were even drinking to their newfound brotherhood before parting.
ジュディット: あっははは、流石は天下の豪傑同士だ!戦場の外で会えば、気が合うのも当然か。
Judith: It makes sense. If you take the greatest heroes away from the battlefield, of course they'll get along.
ヒルダ: えええ……わかんないわー、男って。
Hilda: Fighting one minute and drinking together the next... Men are so weird!
クロード: 結局、そういうことなんだよ。個々の友情を育むのに、生まれも血も関係ないんだ。
Claude: Ultimately, someone's bloodline has nothing to do with the friendships they forge.
Relations between the Alliance and Almyra is a matter we'll tackle in the future.
Still, I want to take this opportunity to make one thing clear to all of you.
クロード: 俺は帝国を倒したあと、フォドラの中と外を分かつ高い壁を、ぶっ壊すつもりだ。
Claude: After we defeat the Empire, I intend to tear down the walls that seperate Fódlan from the outside world.
I want to let people and goods come and go freely, and in doing so, eradicate prejudices about the outside world.
ツィリル: ……!?
Cyril: Huh?!
ローレンツ: そのようなセイロスの教義に反すること、実現不可能ではないのか?
Lorenz: Would it even be possible to achieve such a thing? It directly contradicts the Seiros tenets.
クロード: 本当に、反するのか?俺はそっから疑問だけどな。
Claude: Does it? I'm not so sure.
クロード: ま、非難囂々は覚悟の上さ。新しいやり方に反発は付き物だ。
Claude: I'm any case, I'm prepared for the inevitable protests and criticism. New ways of doing things are always met with resistance.
During our time at the Officer's Academy, all of you overcame the barriers of birthplace, status, and ideology.
Having gone through so much with all of you, I have no doubt that, in time, you'll understand.
ヒルダ: 確かに、いろんな人がいたよねー。普通に暮らしてたら出会えない人たちが。
Hilda: I guess there were a lot of different people there. People we wouldn't have met through the normal course of our lives.
クロード: かつて王国と敵対したダスカーの民、かつて帝国に侵攻したブリギットの姫……
Claude: Duscur once opposed the Kingdom, but there was someone from Duscur there. Brigid once invaded the Empire, but the Brigid princess was there.
We ate at the same table as those people. Sure, sometimes we didn't get along.
But other times, we helped each other out.
Can we really draw a definitive line in the sand and say one group of people is all good, and another all bad?
If I can realize my dream, Fódlan will be reborn. The old age will end and we'll welcome a new dawn.
ローレンツ: いや、しかしだな……。
Lorenz: But, if―
ジュディット: 今日のところは勘弁しておやりよ、グロスタールの坊や。
Judith: Save your objections for another day, Gloucester boy.
ローレンツ: う……。
Lorenz: Ugh...
ジュディット: まあ、みんなわかってるだろうさ。認めるのに時間がかかるだけでね。
ジュディット: それよりも、これからのことだ。次はいよいよ、帝都に攻め入るんだろう?
Judith: That said, there are more pressing matters to discuss. Our next step is to invade the Imperial capital, right?
クロード: ああ、帝都アンヴァルではエーデルガルトが首を長くして待ってるだろうからな。
Claude: That's right. I'm sure Edelgard is eagerly awaiting our arrival in Enbarr.
Reinforcements from the Alliance lords should arrive soon. Let's make sure we're ready to greet them.